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3. MIPAR图形数据处理
Detect: MIPAR 针对不同材料体系和热处理工艺,建立了数百个图形处理模版(Recipe)。常见材料的模版可免费下载,针对特殊材料或研究目的,MIPAR专家以及MIPAR中国技术人员,可以为客户提供个性化recipe;
Batch process: MIPAR可以实验全自动,对数百、甚至数千张图片进行批量处理,节省客户时间,提高工作效率;
Analyze: MIPAR可以提供体积分数,面积分布,尺寸分布,长径比,传统截线法和点密度等所有统计数据,并实现图形的着色与个性可视化展示;
3D reconstruction: MIPAR可以将系列图像进行三维重构,最终获得可视化的图像与测量值。
Deep learning: 首次将AI技术引入到材料微观结构定量分析领域。MIPAR通过对数十张图片进行自主学习后,可对大批量图片进行精准自动的特征区域识别。
可依次点击下列3个视频,观看Detect,Batch Process,Analyze过程(可点击全屏观看)!
2. MIPAR 创始人
MIPAR创始人John M. Sosa,是The Ohio State University 材料科学与工程博士,毕业于2015年,在国际学术期刊发表科技论文55篇,h因子为8。
Dr. Sosa博士期间从事钛合金研究工作,其博士论文题目是:
Development of tools for 2D and 3D microstructural characterization and their application to titanium alloy microstructures。
4.1 钛合金
下图是TC4钛合金的SEM图片,MIPAR提供两种分析方式:按照alpha+Beta两相进行统计,或者按照alpha相+残留的alpha/beta laths进行统计分析
4.3 颗粒
4.4 纤维
4.2 铸铁
5.1 数据对比
4.6 Deep learning案例图片
4.6 Deep learning案例图片
5.2 实战对比
MIPAR与某一商业软件进行对比,自动分析蛋白质免疫荧光图像,请欣赏!(15分15秒 vs 4小时22分21秒)
6、 MIPAR全球合作伙伴
7.1 参考文献
[1] JM Sosa, DE Huber, B Welk, HL Fraser, Development and application of MIPAR™: a novel software package for two-and three-dimensional microstructural characterization, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 2014, 3 (1): 10
[2] John Sosa, Pavel Sul, and Lawrence Small, Automated Micrograph Analysis Enables Pioneering R&D. ASM International, 2019, 177(1): 16-21 [2019年最新发表,强烈推荐]
7.2 合作发表学术论文
更多文章请Google学术搜索(或点击): John M. Sosa Google Scholar Citations
[1] SA Mantri, D Choudhuri, T Alam, GB Viswanathan, et al. Tuning the scale of α precipitates in β-titanium alloys for achieving high strength, Scripta Materialia, 2018, 154: 139-144
[2] TM Smith, P Bonacuse, J Sosa, M Kulis, L Evans. A quantifiable and automated volume fraction characterization technique for secondary and tertiary γ′ precipitates in Ni-based superalloys, Materials Characterization, 2018, 140: 86-94
[3] RC Brune, SR Hansen, A Vivek, JM Sosa, GS Daehn, Profile indentation pressure evaluation method for impulse manufacturing technologies, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 248: 185-197
[4] JM Sosa, DE Huber, BA Welk, HL Fraser, MIPAR™: 2D and 3D Image Analysis Software Designed by Materials Scientists, for All Scientists, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2017, 23 (S1): 230-231
[5] DE Huber, JM Sosa, J Riedel, CD Ellerbrock, DM McComb, Implementing High Performance Workstation Virtualization for Data Processing in a Multi-User Microscopy Facility. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2017, 23 (S1): 1070-1071
[6] IN Boona, F Scheltens, J Sosa, TL Burnett, PJ Withers, et al., Correlative 3D Imaging and Characterization of Human Dentine,Microscopy and Microanalysis 2017, 23 (S1): 330-331
[7] JK Jensen, BA Welk, REA Williams, JM Sosa, DE Huber, ON Senkov, et al., Characterization of the microstructure of the compositionally complex alloy Al1Mo0. 5Nb1Ta0. 5Ti1Zr1. 2016, Scripta Materialia 121: 1-4
[8] Y Zheng, REA Williams, D Wang, R Shi, S Nag, P Kami, JM Sosa, et al., Role of ω phase in the formation of extremely refined intragranular α precipitates in metastable β-titanium alloys. 2016, Acta Materialia 103: 850-858
[9] Y Zheng, REA Williams, JM Sosa, T Alam, Y Wang, R Banerjee, HL Fraser. The indirect influence of the ω phase on the degree of refinement of distributions of the α phase in metastable β-Titanium alloys. 2016, Acta Materialia 103: 165-173
[10] Y Zheng, REA Williams, JM Sosa, T Alam, Y Wang, R Banerjee, HL Fraser. The role of the ω phase on the non-classical precipitation of the α phase in metastable β-titanium alloys. 2016, Scripta Materialia 111: 81-84
10、MIPAR Recipe申请
11、MIPAR 视频教程